Aloe Vera 300g
Per 2 Serving
Calories: 4
Carbohydrate: 2g
Calcium: 20mg
Delivery: 24-72 Hours near Joburg, Pretoria & Cape Town
Stress Tea
Stress Tea14 Teabags (30 grams) – Organic Product
Ingredients: Avena Sativa, Lavandula, Mentha Sp, Nepeta Cataria, Pelargonium Graveolens, Rosmarinus
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Cancer Bush Tea Bags
Cancer Bush Tea BagsCancer bush is used as an immune booster in the treatment of bronchitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, liver problems, haemorrhoids, piles, bladder and uterus problem
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Hibiscus Flowers Tea
Hibiscus Flowers TeaHibiscus Flowers tea has a similar taste to cranberry juice.
It can be served both hot & cold. The beverage is well known for its unique flavour is highly nutritious because of its vitamin C content
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R130.00Add to cart
Youthful Yarrow
Youthful YarrowIngredients: Achillea Millefolium
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. 3 x per day. 1 hour after meals
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R110.00Add to cart
Arthritea – Jig Tee
Arthritea – Jig TeeIngredients: Achillea Mill, Betulina Barosma, Rosemarinus Off, Ruta Graveolus, Symphytum Officionalis Urtica Urens
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Diabetea – Suiker Tee
Diabetea – Suiker TeeIngredients: Achillea Mill, Betulina Barosma, Salvia Officinalis, Trigonella, Taraxacum Officinalis, Thymus, Species, Urtica Urens
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Energetea – Voema Tee
Energetea – Voema TeeIngredients: Barosma Betulina, Foeniculum, Mentha Species, Taraxacum Off, Trigonelle, Urtica Urens
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Sleepitea – Slaap Tee
Sleepitea – Slaap TeeIngredients: Lavendula Species, Melissa Officionalis, Nepeta Cataria, Rosmarinus Officionalis, Verbena Officionalis
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Liveri Tea – Lewer Tee
Liveri Tea – Lewer TeeIngredients: Barosma Betulina, Foeniculum, Mentha Species, Taraxacum Off, Trigonelle, Urtica Urens
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Kidney Tea – Niere Tee
Kidney Tea – Niere TeeIngredients: Betulina Barosma, Ruta Graveolus, Salvia Species. Taraxacum Officionalis
Dosage: 1 Teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10 minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
PMS TeaIngredients: Achillea, Bloublomsalie, Foeniculum, Lavandula, Medicago, Melissa, Rosemarinus, Urtica, Wilde Als
Prevent & Treat: De-stressing, Hot Flushes, Replacing Lost Minerals, Monthly Pains, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R100.00Add to cart
Detox Tea
Detox TeaIngredients: Achikkea, Betulina, Foeniculum, Rosemarinus, Ruts, Taraxacum, Urtica.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon to 1 cup boiling water. Allow 10minutes to draw. Twice a day – morning & evening. Can sweeten with honey
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
ConstipaTea – Lakseer-tee
ConstipaTea – Lakseer-teeIngredients: Cassia Species, Foeniculum Vulgare, Mentha Species, Sambucus Nigra, Taraxacum Officionalis
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Slim Tea – Verslankingstee
Slim Tea – VerslankingsteeIngredients: Achillea Mill, Betulina, Barosma, Foeniculum Vulgare, Rosemarinus Officionalis, Taraxacum Officionalis, Trigonella, Urtica Urens.
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Wilde Dagga – Umfincafincane
Wilde Dagga – UmfincafincaneUsed for: Asthma, Boils, Coughs and Colds, Headaches, Hemonhoids, Hepatitis, High Blood Pressure, Influenza and Bronchial ailments, Jaundice, Laryngitis, Normalizes female reproductive parts
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R100.00Add to cart
Ulcer Tea – Rouseertee
Ulcer Tea – RouseerteeThe Ulcer tea is wholistic in that it is specifically for the dis-eased organ, yet include herbs which positively affect the complementary systems serving the ailing area. Many Indigenous African herbs are used.
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
Wilde Als – Umhlonyane
Wilde Als – UmhlonyaneWilde Als can be used as a tea, body wash, poultice or vapour to treat respiratory ailments like colds, headaches, earache, bronchial complaints, croup, whooping cough, measles, fevers, malaria and sore throat
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R100.00Add to cart
Rooibos Tea
Rooibos TeaThe antioxidants in rooibos slow down the ageing process by neutralising free radicals that damage skin while high levels of manganese (Mn) and calcium (Ca) can help build and repair bones
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & CPT | 4-7Days to other areas
R150.00Add to cart