Balsamic Vinegar 250ml
Typical lingering and pleasantly vinegary taste
Good balance of sweet and sour
Use it to enhance salad dressings, marinades
and sauce
Delivery: 2-4Days near JHB, PTA & P.E. | 4-7Days to other areas
Balsamic vinegar is a very dark, concentrated, and intenselyflavoured vinegar, originating in Italy and made wholly or partially from grapemust (crushed grape juice with all the skins, seeds & stems). Aceto Balsamicodi Modena (Balsamic Vinegar of Modena) is one of three protected balsamicvinegars. Balsamic Vinegar of Modena is made from grape must be blended with winevinegar and produced in Modena, Italy.Available in 250ml bottle
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Delivery | Delivery Fee Ranges from Free to 5 & 25% depending on your order total & your location |